KCDC participates in the Child Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) which allows us to provide nutritionally balanced, healthy, hot meals to all children 12 months and older in our care. Children receive breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack.
Play influences all areas of development by providing opportunities for children to learn about themselves, their environment, and their peers without fear of failure. The daily routines are comprised of both teacher-directed and child-directed activities as well as quiet and active periods of learning. The activities planned focus on developing language, cognition, small and large motor skill, social skills, and emotional well-being. Children are free to actively explore their environment and interact with adults and other children. We encourage independence and self-help skills which help develop a positive self-esteem, self-control, and an "I can" learning approach. We use The Creative Curriculum by Diane Trister Dodge as a basis for many of the centers and activities implemented in the classrooms. We also incorporate the Tennessee Early Learning Standards in our weekly lesson plans and an assessment is completed on each child beginning with Infants through Pre-Kindergarten. In addition, our three-, four-, and five-year-old classes use an abuse prevention curriculum mandated by the Tennessee Department of Human Services.